Monday, April 4, 2011

1.1.2011 plus 3.

uh-oh. here comes the procrastination post. yep, people, i've got accounting assignment due in a week, and i am like 25% through the thing! yippee! :D doing accounting, after all, is not as big a torture as doing marketing. marketing plain shucks, while accounting's... okay, i guess. gee, can you find a better word, vivi?

this is 4th of april, meaning 3 days after april fool's. I THOUGHT i had quite a boring, if not normal, april fool's this year. ahh, just like any other year. the boring times. funless moments.


i was DONE for. first, two of my friends broke up. heck, we've known one another for 8 years and counting now, me, the guy, the girl. the guy plus girl equal boyfriend-girlfriend. but now they are best friend-best friend. HECK. honestly, if i thought anyone would survive LDR, it's them.

they are so sweet together, always trusting, always so compassionate for their cause. like soooo schweet!! achievement-wise (ohh believe me, there're many: drama, piano, grades, blah blah), i think they're pretty compatible. they're so... pink. you know when you watch anime, when couples are in love, they'll show this pink hearts floating around with the super lolli-ish aura emanating from their heads and expression? well, they are that personified. GOSH. everybody's been speculating that after going to college they won't work out. but honestly, i didn't think that. NEVER did.

they broke up on april fool's and WEW. i thought it was REALLY an april fool's joke until 3.4.2011, i was told it was the real deal. i thought of my high school years, and i was filled with sorrow and well, regret. the foundation of alot of our memories together- yup, us as junior college 1 newton- came crashing down T____T. my world has changed, and i have to move on. sometimes, i really feel i'm not ready to take the big leap yet. i am clutching long and hard to whatever beautiful pieces of my past i can hold on to. this incident really should be a wake up call. leave bbs! jakarta! take on melbourne in full force. but it's harder than it sounds.

like i'm holding onto a fistful of colourful sand. i feel it slipping, and when there's only that much left, i still couldn't let go. for fear i can't find a fist just as beautiful and sparkling under the setting sun.


now this is stupidity at its best. my friends S and T told me that one of my housemate's down because of me (say G). okay, what the hell?! i am the one getting bullied each and everyday, and now you tell me WHO's DOWN? anyway, that S and T told me that since our days are filled with bullying me and all, that's what G keeps on telling his girlfriend over on skype every single time. okay, about me. and guess what, they fought. because of me. GAH!

S and T told me to say sorry, and i was like HUH? it is not my fault that he keeps telling his girl about me, and so why the hell should i say sorry? geez. no way. they may fight because of me, but how the hell is it my fault? alot of my friends told me so too. yeahh, people, i told some of my close friends cause i need their opinion. how they hell am i supposed to react?! i've never been in that kind of situation before! = ='

anyway i don't say nothing and well, until yesterday, having the big mouth that i have, i literally throw it in G's face

me: what the hell is with your girlfriend?!
G: what in the world are you talking about?
G: wait, do you know my girlfriend?!
me: NO.
G: then what?!
me: exactly what i'm asking you!!!
(S and T laughing hard in the background)
G: if you're not telling me, i'm out.
me: JAH. fine...
(S came to 'save' the day) S: IT WAS APRIL FOOL'S.
me: HUH?


huh, at least i can console myself by saying: even though april fool's not a national holiday throughout the world, almost the globe celebrates the day and well, half of the population has surely been nubbed by their friends. young and old, white or black. at least i don't have to face too much of the humiliation of it all.
- - -
but all in all, really thanks guys for making my april fool's memorable. oh the good memories <3... plus the bad ones.

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