Saturday, May 7, 2011

History And Origin Of The English Bulldog

The English Bulldog really came to prominence as a bullbaiting and bearbaiting dog. These brutal "dog sports" were very popular in Britain in the 17th century. It is thought that English Bulldog puppies descended from the ancient mastiff breeds of Asia. The breed as we know it now is nothing like this old fighting breed in regard to temperament.


English Bulldog Temperament & Characteristics

he aggressive and vicious traits of the early English Bulldog have been bred out long ago.

These days "bullys" are highly regarded for being friendly, patient, playful, dependable and cuddly! They are a great all round family dog and are considered one of the best breeds for children. Children do need to learn how to respect and treat an English Bulldog puppy and should never be left unsupervised with any dog - regardless of breed type.

If possible, always purchase your puppy from a well respected and reputable English Bulldog puppy breeder. This will give you the best chance of bringing a physically and mentally stable dog into your family. If you find a good English Bulldog breeder, chances are you will also find a great little puppy for life.

A few general thoughts about the English Bulldog:

* English Bulldogs are a breed that craves human attention and companionship. If your dog is to be left outside for long periods or if you are away from home most of the day then a Bully may not be a good choice for you.

* Early socialization is crucial for English Bulldog puppies. Your puppy's breeder will begin this socialization process for you and then it's up to you to keep it going when your puppy arrives home. English Bulldog puppies who miss out on being habituated and socialized can become aggressive towards other dogs (among other things). A puppy Kindergarten class is a good environment to help develop these socialization skills.

* English Bulldog puppies are known to be stubborn at times and can go through periods of trying to exert dominance over their human housemates. Obedience training is the key to dealing with these issues - make it clear to your Bully that you are the boss!

* An English Bulldog puppy is usually a very energetic and often mischievous little beast. Bulldog puppies love to chew and many experience a very long puppyhood!

* Dog food aggression or object guarding is an issue which many Bully owners are confronted with. You can learn more about its cause and also how to prevent it here - English Bulldog Food Aggression.

* In general you will find your English Bulldog to be laid back and chilled out but they can be protective of their human family if the need arises.

* Some English Bulldog breeders will tell you that the males of the breed are more affectionate than females.

read the full story from :

English-Bulldog-Puppies-baby_cute-funny English-Bulldog-Puppies-baby_cute-funny-thumb English-Bulldog-Puppies-baby_cute-funny-thumb_1

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